Sunday, March 02, 2008

Reality TV

Or a new versions of game shows. if you want call it. The key differences are: it is set anywhere but a studio, interviews or confessionals by the contestants, painful eliminations and bigger rewards on the line.

I admit, I am a BIG fan of reality TV series. Since the debut of the first reality show (Survivor) back in 2000. (Wow, 8 years already?) I've been watching various types of it. Name one and I can tell you I have watched at least 1 episode of it.

Survivor Beauty and the Geek The Amazing Race Hell's Kitchen The Apprentice Fear Factor American Idol So You Think You Can Dance? America's Next Top Model

Even though the quality of the shows slipped over the years, I still watch it irregardless. Of course some reality TV is just plain retarded. Like I heard of the shows actually designed to meant to find a appropriate donor for organ transplant! My god, why do people take other people's misery as a form of entertainment! >:(

Now that most shows are back for their new seasons, it's time to watch a new cast of people participating the good old shows, root for your favorites and hang on tight during eliminations.

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