Monday, June 16, 2008

Music of Today

Seriously, we REALLY need to evaluate our daily dose of popular music that has been flooding the airwaves. Music that sells now are not relied on their good sense of musicality or lyrics, instead it is the other way round: It sells 'cause it DOESN'T make sense.

Not that this is something new or anything, it has been around for years already (Blame MTV >_<). Like it or loathe it, music that sells are about sex, cheesiness, or just plain nonsense. Very few of the more meaningful songs do well in the charts, or rarely heard by the public.

I'm not going to point out any names (you can kinda guess who they are), but these people are just the bad apples that tainted the music industry so badly until it is labeled as "trashy" and "meaningless". Worse, some of them spread negative connotations and values that are purely superficial (it's all about the booty!), materialistic (being rich is the only way to happiness) and so on.

And heck, sometimes I can't help myself listening to them sometimes... :P. Anyway, no matter what genre of music you listen to, keep enjoying!

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