Sunday, October 25, 2009


Watched a few of the episodes and Here's what I feel:

I LOVE this show. But somehow the show seems to make efforts to make me hate it.

For example, Will Schuester. God knows why he loves to relive his old days with his boy bands and all that. Ugh. And still oblivious to know that his wife is faking a pregnancy to keep his marriage!

The stereotypes are overplayed. The gay one, the sassy black woman, the dumb jock. Whatever.

The Auto-tuning of the singers. Ugh, makes me pissed off. Why cast good singers when you want to auto tuned to death? Especially Finn, whose voice is the worst of the bunch.

But there are things that I love too.

Principal Figgins is awesome to watch. If you ever catch his Mumbai Air ad (in the show), it is downright hilarious!

Sue Sylvester, the cheerleader coach, is awesome. Her quotes are so random it's so funny. And she is deliciously evil. I like!

Music wise is always awesome. Here's a sample of their cover of "Rehab":

Could have showed you the performance clip. But youtube removed them... Copyrights and all.

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