Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Of Rights and Freedoms

Well, there is no doubt that Malaysia is a place like no other. Multiracial ethics from all walks of life can live together in peace and harmony (this is so cliche as it's always been mentioned in every National Day ads...)

But the thing is, within our peaceful exterior we have our own grave problems. We are still segregate ourselves according to who we are. Honestly, we are still not a united country to me.

Don't believe me? Then ask yourself these questions:
1. List 15 of your best friends. Any of them other than your own race?
2. When was the last time you have meals with your friends of other ethicity?
3. Do you visit open houses during festivities of other cultures?
4. Do you tend to stereotype people of other ethicity?
5. Who do you tend to sit beside them?

Shocking, isn't it? To be honest, not many people can be proud to say they are the "true" Malaysian that has a diverse circle of friends.

Lately there was a demonstration regarding racial discrimination in KL (regarding the affrimative action and all). To me, it's time to make changes, time to move on and treat people the same, regardless of who they are.


me, myself + mIcHeLLe said...

haha...calvin, ur so wrong. well at least i can prove that my circle of friends are not just my own race. that is why u dun see me hanging out with a "group" of ppl in campus.

i know ur not racist too, so ur cool~ =)

Calvin said...

good 4 u! but i know there are so many others out there who act that way... many, many other people...