Before you can actually sign up for anything to be featured on a TV show. Here's a few things you need to consider
American Idol:
*If you can't sing, don't bother auditioning.
*Making silly gimmicks, costumes or other craziness WILL NOT be taken seriously.
*If you're not liked by Simon, don't bother changing his mind. Quit even though you're through.
*If you cannot stand the heat, monsoon rain in random times, don't sign up.
*Backstabbing is necessary trait. Never think you can be super nice to win. That's really rarely happen.
Amazing Race:
*If you cannot swim, drive a manual car, afraid of heights, water, wild animals etc. Don't sign up.
*If you're actually facing your fears, suck it up and do it. Don't whine and complain.
*If you cannot appreciate foreign cultures, don't bother signing up.
America's Next Top Model
*You must be at least 5'7". Sorry, if you're short, you're standing no chance in the real world.
*If you are 23 and above, don't bother starting out as a model. Unless you look REALLY, REALLY youthful.
*You really have to endure Tyra's craziness to survive.
*Bitchiness is a plus.
11 years ago